Class NanoTDFDatasetClient

NanoTDF Dataset SDK Client


import { clientSecretAuthProvider, NanoTDFDatasetClient } from '@opentdf/client';

const OIDC_ENDPOINT = 'http://localhost:65432/auth/realms/tdf';
const KAS_URL = 'http://localhost:65432/api/kas/';

const ciphertext = '...';
const client = new NanoTDFDatasetClient({
authProvider: await clientSecretAuthProvider({
clientId: 'tdf-client',
clientSecret: '123-456',
exchange: 'client',
oidcOrigin: OIDC_ENDPOINT,
kasEndpoint: KAS_URL,
const plaintext = client.decrypt(ciphertext);
console.log('Plaintext', plaintext);


  • default
    • NanoTDFDatasetClient


  • Create new NanoTDF Dataset Client

    The Ephemeral Key Pair can either be provided or will be generate when fetching the entity object. Once set it cannot be changed. If a new ephemeral key is desired it a new client should be initialized. There is no performance impact for creating a new client IFF the ephemeral key pair is provided.


    Returns NanoTDFDatasetClient


allowedKases: OriginAllowList
authProvider: AuthProvider
cachedEphemeralKey?: Uint8Array
cachedHeader?: default
dataAttributes: string[] = []
dissems: string[] = []
dpopEnabled: boolean
ecdsaBinding: boolean
ephemeralKeyPair: Promise<CryptoKeyPair>
iv?: number
kasPubKey?: KasPublicKeyInfo
kasUrl: string
keyIterationCount: number
maxKeyIteration: number
requestSignerKeyPair: Promise<CryptoKeyPair>
symmetricKey?: CryptoKey
unwrappedKey?: CryptoKey
IV_SIZE: 12 = 12
KAS_PROTOCOL: "kas" = 'kas'
KEY_ACCESS_REMOTE: "remote" = 'remote'
NTDF_MAX_KEY_ITERATIONS: 8388606 = 8388606
SDK_INITIAL_RELEASE: "0.0.0" = '0.0.0'


  • Add attribute to the TDF file/data


    • attribute: string

      The attribute that decides the access control of the TDF.

    Returns void

  • Decrypt ciphertext

    Pass a base64 string, TypedArray, or ArrayBuffer ciphertext and get a promise which resolves plaintext


    • ciphertext: string | ArrayBuffer | TypedArray

      Ciphertext to decrypt

    Returns Promise<ArrayBuffer>

  • Encrypt data

    Pass a string, TypedArray, or ArrayBuffer data and get a promise which resolves ciphertext


    • data: string | ArrayBuffer | TypedArray

      to decrypt

    • Optional options: EncryptOptions

    Returns Promise<ArrayBuffer>

  • Explicitly get a new Entity Object using the supplied EntityAttributeService.

    This method is expected to be called at least once per encrypt/decrypt cycle. If the entityObject is expired then this will need to be called again.

    Returns Promise<void>


    the ephemeralKeyPair must be set in the constructor if desired to use here. If this is wished to be changed then a new client should be initialized.


    key pair is generated when the entity object is fetched IFF the ephemeralKeyPair is not set. This will either be set on the first call or passed in the constructor.

  • Returns Uint8Array

  • Parameters

    • nanotdf: default

    Returns Promise<ArrayBuffer>

  • Rewrap key


    • nanoTdfHeader: ArrayBuffer | TypedArray

      the full header for the nanotdf

    • kasRewrapUrl: string

      key access server's rewrap endpoint

    • magicNumberVersion: ArrayBuffer | TypedArray

      nanotdf container version

    • clientVersion: string

      version of the client, as SemVer

    Returns Promise<CryptoKey>


    the fetchEntityObject method must be called prior to

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